We begin with Why. We are inspired to create travel experiences that go beyond just visiting a destination, but to experience each locality in a more unique way than just checking off Trip Advisor’s lists of things to do . We imagine ourselves as being part of that community, immersing our activities with a deeper sense of belonging and connection to the place and its culture. When a location encourages us, we dig into its history in order to understand what makes it tick, what its foundation is built on. We share our discoveries so that we may inspire others to create their own unique travel experiences.
We write for our blog, Ramble Dog, to share our unique discoveries with others. We recommend businesses and products that have enriched our travel experiences. We sell photographs that reflect our unique travel adventures. We write, share, and sell in order to inspire others enough to want to visit the places we have been or to create their own unique explorations.
We are readers. We are life-long learners. We give credit to many authors, bloggers, and speakers who have inspired us along the way. We learned a great deal from Simon Sinek. He encouraged us to always start with our “why.” Sinek is motivated by his why, “Inspire people to do the things that inspire them.”